Resource Library
Showing 44 results Filter by ingredient: Policy Environment
Turning Adversity into Opportunity
CORDAID Ethiopia are masters in reverse cooking, where disasters are turned into opportunities for improving a community’s resilience. This recipe uses…
Training Youth in Emergency Response
A recipe from World Vision in Chile on engaging communities and youth inemergency trainings, from being trained to deciding the…
Local Risk Planning for Resilience
When local and scientific knowledge on DRR and climate change are mixed together by expert hands, the results are delicious:…
Living with the River: Trans-border Approach Towards Flood Risk Management
PGVS works with communities at the borders between India and Nepal to prepare delicious fusion recipes for trans-boundary local early…
Give a Face to the Numbers
Construyendo Sociedad shares its success recipe for CBDRM, where inclusion plays a key role in the definition of this dish….