Institutionalising Sustainable Community Based Disaster Risk Management
is a project coordinated by the GNDR Secretariat and implemented by GNDR members. It aims to ensure CBDRM is institutionalised by identifying the enabling political, financial and social environment required, building the capacity of actors to work together to put in place these building blocks, and increasing the political commitment for scaling out CBDRM.
Recipes showcase how sustainability and institutionalisation ingredients are used in CBDRM activities around the world. Highlighting experiences from countries across the world, they show how CBDRM can be done successfully in different contexts and different regions.

Case studies
Case studies showcase examples of successful sustainable CBDRM activities in different contexts from across the world. Here you can find 86 case studies that highlight CBDRM best practices. You can filter by country, region, ingredient or even topic!
Search, filter, and access a wide range of resources from the CBDRM project including videos, case studies, recipes, a global cookbook, webinars, workshop reports and more.