Social “warrantage” for strengthening maternal and child nutritional security and building resilience Case Study | Gnagna and Kompienga, Burkina Faso |Action Contre la Faim FinanceLivelihoodPolicyWomen Learn More
Preservation of the environment by promoting the value of shea and endangered plant species Case Study | Réo province du Sanguié, Burkina Faso |Union des groupements Féminins Ce Dwane Nyee (UGF/CDN) Environmental conservationLivelihoodReforestationSustainabilityWomen Learn More
Participatory and sustainable management of natural resources: the experience of the women of Boussouma Case Study | Boussouma, Burkina Faso |Action pour la Promotion des Initiatives Locales (APIL) Capacity buildingEnvironmental conservationLivelihoodWomen Learn More