Date(s) - 24 Jul 2018 - 26 Jul 2018
All Day
Exchange visits took place between local actors from Niger and Burkina Faso. The aim of these exchanges was to provide local actors with an opportunity for knowledge exchange and mutual learning in the area of CBDRM. Sharing practices and networking are important tools for knowledge exchange, but there is often a stronger engagement and a deeper commitment to action when there is a strong relationship between organisations and individuals.
Hosted by the Bonferey Group and JVE Niger, this exchange took place in Tillabéri, Niger. The participants from Burkina Faso presented their case studies for mutual learning, but the majority of the exchange was focused on the Niger case study of restoring the Feri Feri hill. The Bonferey Group led participants on a guided tour of the Féri-Féri site. This group, composed of men and women, was created in 1998 with the aim of contributing to the defence and restoration of the hill through land reclamation actions on a 77-hectare area.
Participants discussed the sustainability of this project and proposed ways in which it could be enhanced, including establishing mechanisms to facilitate consultation with all stakeholders and taking cultural knowledge into account when planning activities.