
Communities have critical knowledge, experience and capacities with regards to building resilience, and have developed innovative approaches to reducing the everyday risks they face. However, these community-based approaches are rarely scaled out nor systematically embedded within national policies and practice. This project will ensure community based disaster risk management (CBDRM) is institutionalised by identifying the enabling environment (political, financial and social) required, building the capacity of actors to work together to put in place these building blocks, and increasing the political commitment for scaling out CBDRM. By institutionalising CBDRM in country systems, the project will help governments achieve the priorities set out in their implementation plans and contribute towards ensuring that the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and Agenda 2030 successfully build resilience at the community level.

Project partners

There are 9 project partners – 6 national and 3 regional, coordinated by the GNDR Secretariat. All the partners are GNDR members:

  1. SEEDS India – national (India) 
  2. Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) – national (Philippines)
  3. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) – regional (Thailand)
  4. Reseau MARP (R-MARP) – national (Burkina Faso)
  5. Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement (JVE)-Niger – national (Niger)
  6. Environment Development Action in the Third World (ENDA-TM) – regional (Senegal)
  7. Servicio Social de Iglesias Dominicanas (SSID) – national (Dominican Republic)
  8. Caritas Chile – national (Chile)
  9. RET International – regional (Panama)


This 3-year project (July 2017- June 2020) has the following objectives:

  1. Increased understanding of common success factors for the scale out of sustainable CBDRM.
  2. Increased capacity of governments, CSOs and other actors to work together to co-create the enabling environment factors for CBDRM.
  3. Increased political commitments and accountability for the scale out of sustainable CBDRM.


Year 1

  • In year 1, an evaluation framework to assess the sustainability of community-based DRR and early warning systems will be developed. Local information on and good practices of CBDRM will be gathered and analysed to identify critical success factors, characteristics of a supportive enabling environment, and specific gaps and challenges that constrain or accelerate the scale out of CBDRM.

Year 2

  • Based on the findings in year 1, capacity building activities will be undertaken in year 2 to support the collaborative scale out of CBDRM. Exchanges, Leadership Forums, trainings and guide books will aim to strengthen local and national collaborative capacities to increase sharing, co-creation of knowledge and good community-based practices and foster partnerships and joint actions.

Year 3

  • Activities will be undertaken in year 3 to influence governments and other actors to scale out CBDRM, including awareness campaigns, presentations at the Global Platform for DRR and collaboration workshops at the national level.